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September 13, 2011 2:05 pm  #1

Flag Map

I m missing a better flag map, e.g. a political map wouldnt be bad.

Addionally it would better if the "visitor" countries get coloured if someone clics your webside...

And I also missing a lot of other flags....Kosovo, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Nagorno Karabakh, South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Adjara, Fireland, Krim, American Samoa, Athos, Casmance, Darfur, Frech Antarctica, British Antarctica, Karakalpakstan, Somaliland, Ryukyu Islands, Midway Islands, Transnistria.

And please use the "real" flag for Réunion and French Guyana.


September 14, 2011 7:48 am  #3

Re: Flag Map


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