- Xetran
- Flag Newbie
- Registered: August 27, 2011
- Posts: 1
Removal of my IP adress in fc
Hi, I would like to request to have my personal ip adress ignored by flagcounter. Is this possible? I can provide proof it's my adress and blabla
Thanks alot! ^_^
- Jeremy
- Administrator
- From: United States
- Registered: August 30, 2009
- Posts: 2,774
Re: Removal of my IP adress in fc
No, that isn't something that we do.
Flag Counter Developer
Boardhost.com, Inc.
- markmaierody
- Flag Fanatic
- From: Cluj County, Romania
- Registered: April 9, 2010
- Posts: 1,455
Re: Removal of my IP adress in fc
Its almost impossible.You cant remove it..ur IP is recorded on every page you visit
- Lorelei
- Flag Expert
- From: Europe
- Registered: February 12, 2011
- Posts: 2,195
Re: Removal of my IP adress in fc
markmaierody wrote:
Its almost impossible.You cant remove it..ur IP is recorded on every page you visit
It can b removed.