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February 26, 2011 4:47 am  #1


If the Libyan revolution is successful, and a new government brings in a new flag (perhaps based on the pre-1969 one), will the flag shown for previous visitors in one's list change? Or will you be able to collect a new Libyan flag while still keeping any examples you've got of the old plain green one?

Just idle curiosity


February 26, 2011 10:27 am  #2

Re: Libya

Good point Meiriongwril, I understand your intention and I am thinking that is in line to the questions of changing the flag of several oversea areas like Reunion, New Caledonia etc.
I guess the flag will be change and that's it if Libya is introducing a new flag.

BTW: I moved your post to the suggestion and feedback section. I thought it is more related to that.

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February 27, 2011 10:07 am  #3

Re: Libya

The flag is cool http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f5/Flag_of_Libya_(1951).svg/1000px-Flag_of_Libya_(1951).svg.png

 █████████http://www.last.fm/user/markmaierody2 █████████ 

February 27, 2011 3:04 pm  #4

Re: Libya

I wonder whether they will choose exactly the original kingdom flag, where the central black strip is twice as wide as the red and the green? Some of the versions shown on TV have the three stripes of equal width (this may simply reflect difficulties in making the flag quickly from ordinary materials).
It might be nice of the new flag was slightly different from the old one - to mark a new start for Libya?

Any thoughts?

     Thread Starter

August 1, 2011 9:43 pm  #5

Re: Libya

Meiriongwril wrote:

I wonder whether they will choose exactly the original kingdom flag, where the central black strip is twice as wide as the red and the green? Some of the versions shown on TV have the three stripes of equal width (this may simply reflect difficulties in making the flag quickly from ordinary materials).
It might be nice of the new flag was slightly different from the old one - to mark a new start for Libya?

Any thoughts?

I received a Libyan flag today and was surprised that it was still the green flag by the Gaddafi "government". Therefore I looked for a "Libya" thread and found this one - a discussion taking place in February. By now, half a year later, the Libian National Transitional Council has been recognized by large number of countries as the legitimate regime of Libya. This includes both the USA and UK, if I'm not mistaken. The council has also chosen a new flag for the country, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Transitional_Council My suggestion is that it's time that FC switches the Libyan flag from the green to flag of the Council. Cheers,

Fishy wishes from 1fish2fish
Please visit the site

August 1, 2011 9:57 pm  #6

Re: Libya

1fish2fish wrote:

Meiriongwril wrote:

I wonder whether they will choose exactly the original kingdom flag, where the central black strip is twice as wide as the red and the green? Some of the versions shown on TV have the three stripes of equal width (this may simply reflect difficulties in making the flag quickly from ordinary materials).
It might be nice of the new flag was slightly different from the old one - to mark a new start for Libya?

Any thoughts?

I received a Libyan flag today and was surprised that it was still the green flag by the Gaddafi "government". Therefore I looked for a "Libya" thread and found this one - a discussion taking place in February. By now, half a year later, the Libian National Transitional Council has been recognized by large number of countries as the legitimate regime of Libya. This includes both the USA and UK, if I'm not mistaken. The council has also chosen a new flag for the country, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Transitional_Council My suggestion is that it's time that FC switches the Libyan flag from the green to flag of the Council. Cheers,

It was me who put Libya on your counter. I also gave it to jaffles and other people who did not have the green flag. And I added it to myself.

Last edited by Lorelei (August 1, 2011 10:02 pm)


August 1, 2011 11:17 pm  #7

Re: Libya

I don't think the revolution will be successful. 


August 23, 2011 9:35 am  #8


August 23, 2011 7:11 pm  #9

Re: Libya

i hope its succes ... the green flag is BORING!!!

 █████████http://www.last.fm/user/markmaierody2 █████████ 

August 23, 2011 11:54 pm  #10

Re: Libya

The green flag will soon be a collector's item ? Then not so boring.


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