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July 22, 2011 11:45 pm  #1

US Visits shown as Canadian

I installed the counter yesterday and since, all of my USA visitors are showing up as Canadian.  In fact, the USA flag has yet to show on the site.  Any suggestions?

"<a href="http://s09.flagcounter.com/more/D7c8"><img src="http://s09.flagcounter.com/count/D7c8/bg_FFFFFF/txt_000000/border_CCCCCC/columns_2/maxflags_200/viewers_0/labels_0/pageviews_0/" alt="free counters" border="0"></a><br><a href="http://www.flagcounter.com/">Free counters</a>"

Copy of the counter....


July 23, 2011 1:12 am  #2

Re: US Visits shown as Canadian

Everything looks fine.  I was your first US visitor.

Flag Counter Developer
Boardhost.com, Inc.

July 23, 2011 1:30 am  #3

Re: US Visits shown as Canadian

I have friends in that had visited the site from  Panama City, Florida @ 7:13 PM; a sister in Danbury Hew Hampshire @ 5:06 PM; Seattle, Washington  3:09 PM; Dallas, Texas @ 1:07 PM and SanDiego, California @ 11:23 AM... all since the counter was installed.  I'm the only one in Canada yet the counter showed those 5 as being Canadian visits .... for a total of 6.... so either there was an issue with the counter or the geolocation coding.  I hope that your visit shows that whatever the issue was, it has now been corrected.  Thanx!

     Thread Starter

July 23, 2011 7:17 am  #4

Re: US Visits shown as Canadian

Maybe due to the actual illiquidity problems parts of the US are allready sold out to Canada and other creditors?

thanks for visiting my flags on


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