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July 22, 2011 9:47 am  #1


I'm a new user and it is great to see where my visitors come from. I have one question: my visitors remain stable but the page views increase. If the same visitor returns does he get a new point? What about search engine visits? Just curious to understand stats.
Thanks for a very useful tool.


July 22, 2011 10:47 pm  #2

Re: PageViews

As i understand the counting it strongly depends on browser cookies and IP-address-lists. Deleting browser cookies is the competence of the visitor and depends on his skills concerning browser calibration and his requirements for data security.
So a count first of all depends on if the last flag counter cookie of your visitor is still active or if it was deleted. Every visitor who regularly deletes his cookies after closing the browser will count as a new visitor from his country after that.

Another variation are visitors connected by proxy servers.
Visitors using a proxy-site will count as visitor of the proxy´s location country.
Do these sites delete their cookies regular?

thanks for visiting my flags on


July 23, 2011 9:27 am  #3

Re: PageViews

Thanks that answers my question.

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