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May 29, 2011 9:30 pm  #1

Lost My Flag Counter

I changed templates and lost my flag counter by my own mistake. Would you be so kind to help me out to recover my code? My blog's address is: http://livingstrongandhappy.blogspot.com/

Thank you so much in advance. 


May 30, 2011 6:25 am  #2

Re: Lost My Flag Counter

DrMarthaCastroMD wrote:

I changed templates and lost my flag counter by my own mistake. Would you be so kind to help me out to recover my code? My blog's address is: http://livingstrongandhappy.blogspot.com/

Thank you so much in advance. 

<a href="http://s07.flagcounter.com/more/4kH"><img src="http://s07.flagcounter.com/count/4kH/bg=FFFFFF/txt=000000/border=CCCCCC/columns=2/maxflags=16/viewers=0/labels=1/pageviews=1/" alt="free counters" border="0" /></a>
is the code you used. I recommend to increase the maxflags value to 245.

Enjoy and have fun. By the way, it was me adding the new flag from Germany to your counter. It was necessary when trying to get the code

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