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January 14, 2011 3:53 pm  #1

1 Pro counter on 3 domaine and 1 sub-domaine possibly?

Dear webmaster.

I use 3 domaine for my homepage: www.malediven.at for the German, www.maldives.at for the English and www.maldive.at for the Italian language and forum.malediven.at for my forum. At the moment I use the Flag Counter Pro for my Maldives Forum, but I would like to become that he counts not only the visitors in my Maldives-Forum but counts all visitors of my Maldives-Portal, but because of the 3 languages would be the 3 domaines and 1 sub-domain!

Can I install the counter-code on each of my start-pages, or must I write the code on an independent page and and then binds this page on my different start-pages with <iframe>?

Best regards from Vienna,
Maldives Portal and Maldives Forum

January 14, 2011 5:10 pm  #2

Re: 1 Pro counter on 3 domaine and 1 sub-domaine possibly?

Mungo7 wrote:

Dear webmaster.

I use 3 domaine for my homepage: www.malediven.at for the German, www.maldives.at for the English and www.maldive.at for the Italian language and forum.malediven.at for my forum. At the moment I use the Flag Counter Pro for my Maldives Forum, but I would like to become that he counts not only the visitors in my Maldives-Forum but counts all visitors of my Maldives-Portal, but because of the 3 languages would be the 3 domaines and 1 sub-domain!

Can I install the counter-code on each of my start-pages, or must I write the code on an independent page and and then binds this page on my different start-pages with <iframe>?


refer to bullet: I added my Flag Counter to two different sites, but they both say the same thing now. What is wrong?

That declares that it is possible to have the same counter on different pages. So I would go ahead.

Jeremy has posted elsewhere  at the forum that the quantity of sites where one counter is located is limited. I am not sure how much it was, thinking 3 or 5. But, anyhow, it is worth trying.

BTW: Wenn du mir für mein FC einen oder mehrere Besucher von den Meldiven bescheren könntest, wäre ich Dir dankbar.

Last edited by Jens (January 14, 2011 5:11 pm)

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