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January 6, 2011 2:39 am  #1

Help me reach 100?

Hello! I am currently at 77, so I have a ways to go, but I would love to reach 100! Proxies welcome.

I also need additional US States.

Visitors who post can expect a return visit! 


I would love for you to visit!
Just the FC: http://s01.flagcounter.com/count/UspB/bg=FFFFFF/txt=000000/border=CCCCCC/columns=3/maxflags=250/viewers=Global+Visitors/labels=1/pageviews=1/
Stamp collecting... what a great way to learn about the world, its people, and its history!!!

January 6, 2011 5:58 am  #2

Re: Help me reach 100?

visited!! pls visit mine back!

Please visit my blog and leave your flag there

January 6, 2011 6:07 am  #3

Re: Help me reach 100?

+1 Japan flag =)

ϟ 245 countries - 1,639 flags collected

January 6, 2011 7:57 am  #4

Re: Help me reach 100?

Happy New Year! +1 JP



January 6, 2011 9:06 am  #5

Re: Help me reach 100?

visited again from Germany.

You can also employ Photoshop to create your FC image if you like proxy. Artificial proxy visits are worthless in my opinion.

The views expressed in this statement are in no way intended to represent the views of boardhost.com. The views are my own as moderator of this forum. Since 31 Dec 2016 I'm retired and no longer Moderator of this forum.

January 6, 2011 11:11 am  #6

Re: Help me reach 100?

Visited all. Thank you.

Jens, in concept, I agree with you. Proxy flags are worthless in terms of their utility (as are all requests for visits from a site like this where it's not like people are naturally stumbling across your site because they are genuinely interested in what your site offers and sought it out). Your web traffic statistics are skewed either way. Also, I agree the results of the proxies are easily circumvented. However, there is still a process and a challenge that must be undertaken, and a "collecting" perspective that is not without value to the owner of the particular counter.

Now of course, people collect at different levels. Some might want real people from the country in question to be the exclusive source of their "high quality" flags. That's terrific, and extremely challenging to develop the collection.  And I'm not sure if you can really "exclude" proxies, because there are no ways to delete "improper" flags, I believe. However, some don't care. Same goes for any other collection... do you collect high grade coins or stamps, or does "filling the space in your album" suffice, even if not of good quality? It's what satisfies the individual collector. People have different motivations, and they are all acceptable because ultimately, it's what makes you happy that counts.

At least, that's how I see it. 

I would love for you to visit!
Just the FC: http://s01.flagcounter.com/count/UspB/bg=FFFFFF/txt=000000/border=CCCCCC/columns=3/maxflags=250/viewers=Global+Visitors/labels=1/pageviews=1/
Stamp collecting... what a great way to learn about the world, its people, and its history!!!
     Thread Starter

January 7, 2011 12:14 pm  #7

Re: Help me reach 100?

noernberg wrote:

Visited all. Thank you.

Jens, in concept, I agree with you. Proxy flags are worthless in terms of their utility (as are all requests for visits from a site like this where it's not like people are naturally stumbling across your site because they are genuinely interested in what your site offers and sought it out). Your web traffic statistics are skewed either way. Also, I agree the results of the proxies are easily circumvented. However, there is still a process and a challenge that must be undertaken, and a "collecting" perspective that is not without value to the owner of the particular counter.

Now of course, people collect at different levels. Some might want real people from the country in question to be the exclusive source of their "high quality" flags. That's terrific, and extremely challenging to develop the collection.  And I'm not sure if you can really "exclude" proxies, because there are no ways to delete "improper" flags, I believe. However, some don't care. Same goes for any other collection... do you collect high grade coins or stamps, or does "filling the space in your album" suffice, even if not of good quality? It's what satisfies the individual collector. People have different motivations, and they are all acceptable because ultimately, it's what makes you happy that counts.

At least, that's how I see it. 

I understand your argument. It's no problem for me.
And I agree with you, one can't delete flags which were provided without having visited the site. That is really bad.
Although it is not my intention I can understand the collector argument.

So let us smoke the peace-pipe.   

The views expressed in this statement are in no way intended to represent the views of boardhost.com. The views are my own as moderator of this forum. Since 31 Dec 2016 I'm retired and no longer Moderator of this forum.

January 7, 2011 12:42 pm  #8

Re: Help me reach 100?

Visited from Australia   


January 7, 2011 2:18 pm  #9

Re: Help me reach 100?

Another jp flag~


January 7, 2011 2:34 pm  #10

Re: Help me reach 100?

Can't offer you a new flag, but visited anyway.


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