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November 16, 2010 9:33 am  #1

Ooops - I lost my old visitors by mistake

I have accidentally lost my flag counter.
I had a counter on my private website
and one on another site. When I lost my
flag counter on my private web page I created
a new by clicking on the other. The result
was then that I have a new on my website, but I
has apparently lost all visitors and is now at
zero. How do I get back all the figures I had
before I did this today?


November 20, 2010 5:44 pm  #2

Re: Ooops - I lost my old visitors by mistake

take the code from your other page.

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December 1, 2010 5:42 pm  #3

Re: Ooops - I lost my old visitors by mistake

I have a similar problem from a friend who accidently messed up her flag HTML.  I assumed that she could have just gone back to flagcounter.com and it would have been attached to her email address.  However, in testing that theory on my own email address, apparently not! 

If someone screws up or looses their HTML, is there no way to find it again?

Kind Regards,

December 2, 2010 6:36 pm  #4

Re: Ooops - I lost my old visitors by mistake

You can try to ind the counter's url in your cache.


December 25, 2010 10:22 pm  #5

Re: Ooops - I lost my old visitors by mistake

zakur wrote:

You can try to ind the counter's url in your cache.


Have you gotten your counters back? What were your websites' URL?


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