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November 3, 2010 2:33 am  #1

I would really like a Brunei. Anyone out there?

I always thought Brunei had a cool flag. Would love a visit if you offer one (and other folks, too... I'm just at 50 flags so far). Danke!

I would love for you to visit!
Just the FC: http://s01.flagcounter.com/count/UspB/bg=FFFFFF/txt=000000/border=CCCCCC/columns=3/maxflags=250/viewers=Global+Visitors/labels=1/pageviews=1/
Stamp collecting... what a great way to learn about the world, its people, and its history!!!

November 3, 2010 5:25 am  #2

Re: I would really like a Brunei. Anyone out there?

noernberg wrote:

I always thought Brunei had a cool flag. Would love a visit if you offer one (and other folks, too... I'm just at 50 flags so far). Danke!

That flag is not rare. I will give it when it available.

Now #51 +Ghana for you. Is it also OK?


November 3, 2010 8:33 am  #3

Re: I would really like a Brunei. Anyone out there?

+1 Texas, USA for you, please visit back


November 3, 2010 10:15 am  #4

Re: I would really like a Brunei. Anyone out there?

Thanks LittleRock! I'm kind of just starting out, so that's great!

And I visited Texas back (although I think we've swapped before).


I would love for you to visit!
Just the FC: http://s01.flagcounter.com/count/UspB/bg=FFFFFF/txt=000000/border=CCCCCC/columns=3/maxflags=250/viewers=Global+Visitors/labels=1/pageviews=1/
Stamp collecting... what a great way to learn about the world, its people, and its history!!!
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