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June 26, 2010 8:10 pm  #1



First let me thank you for the free counter. IS GREAT.
Now let me tell you the things I noticed:  (my counter is w99)

* The new visitors page views not counting while the total does (jun 25 &may 11) (in my counter some other users are OK).
* The Nepal flag shows some extra black over white bacground.
* The Reunion Flag is not the propper one, although is a French territory has its own flag: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/b/b1/ReunionFlag.png/120px-ReunionFlag.png
* You have eliminayed from the different countries count the unknown  , but they still appear as last new flag  .

Last edited by jm@jmdecaso.org (June 26, 2010 8:59 pm)

José Manuel

June 26, 2010 11:46 pm  #2

Re: Bugs?

Thanks for your post!

* The new visitors page views not counting while the total does (jun 25 &may 11) (in my counter some other users are OK).

This has been fixed and will show up normally now.  It affected a very small number of users.

* The Nepal flag shows some extra black over white bacground.

I found the issue with the Nepal flag.  Our system didn't like that it was a smaller dimension file, so I've made it the same size as our other flags, 16x11 on a white background.  It definitely looks better than the black background that was being added.

* The Reunion Flag is not the propper one, although is a French territory has its own flag: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/b/b1/ReunionFlag.png/120px-ReunionFlag.png

We have updated the Reunion Flag.

* You have eliminayed from the different countries count the unknown  , but they still appear as last new flag  .

They are a visitor, and they do add to your count of unique visitors, and add to the counts at the end your list.  I'm not so sure that they shouldn't appear as your last visitor?

Flag Counter Developer
Boardhost.com, Inc.

June 27, 2010 7:59 am  #3

Re: Bugs?

After some further research, I'm not sure that flag is the one we should be using for Reunion.  Do you have any information as to it being adopted as their official flag?

It seems that any of them at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_R%C3%A9union could be used, and it might be more appropriate to us to switch back to the French flag in the meantime.

Flag Counter Developer
Boardhost.com, Inc.

June 27, 2010 11:00 am  #4

Re: Bugs?

Jeremy wrote:

* You have eliminated from the different countries count the unknown  , but they still appear as last new flag  .

They are a visitor, and they do add to your count of unique visitors, and add to the counts at the end your list.  I'm not so sure that they shouldn't appear as your last visitor?

What I meant was an esthetical proposal: as "Newest Flag" may remain for a good time in "overview" and there is no flag for unknowns. The proposal would be to either use the "previous Newest flag" or the UN flag (I guess the second is easier)

For the Reunion Flag I have no extra information.

Thanks for the accurate and prompt responses.

José Manuel
     Thread Starter

June 27, 2010 1:26 pm  #5

Re: Bugs?

Jeremy wrote:

After some further research, I'm not sure that flag is the one we should be using for Reunion.  Do you have any information as to it being adopted as their official flag?

It seems that any of them at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_R%C3%A9union could be used, and it might be more appropriate to us to switch back to the French flag in the meantime.

This is the flag of the Regional Council. The only official flags for Reunion are the French and the EU flag:



June 29, 2010 2:18 pm  #6

Re: Bugs?

Jeremy wrote:

I found the issue with the Nepal flag.  Our system didn't like that it was a smaller dimension file, so I've made it the same size as our other flags, 16x11 on a white background.  It definitely looks better than the black background that was being added.

My flagcounter widget still shows the Nepal flag with a black vertical strip to the right, not a white background.  Perhaps the change was made on some servers and not on others (I am on S03).  I see the black strip to the right on the flag on my visitor map also.


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