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June 26, 2010 3:36 am  #1

Help! New visitors not being counted...

I check my Flagcounter every day and have noticed that I am getting no new visitors being counted (even though I see new ones when I check).  This is for the last two days...anyone else have this problem??

Sapphire Farms

June 26, 2010 4:52 am  #2

Re: Help! New visitors not being counted...

Same here.... and the problem occur on Server 01.


June 26, 2010 5:00 am  #3

Re: Help! New visitors not being counted...

Sorry for the inconvenience.. All of your visitors were counted, they just aren't appearing on your chart for the last day and 1/2.  This affected a small number of s01 users only, and has been corrected.  Thanks for posting.

Flag Counter Developer
Boardhost.com, Inc.

June 26, 2010 8:05 pm  #4

Re: Help! New visitors not being counted...

I have this same problem too. Started a couple of days ago and has not been fixed. Sorry, don't know my server.


June 26, 2010 8:14 pm  #5

Re: Help! New visitors not being counted...

Sorry, should have put this in above. here's my counter if that helps. No s number in the address, so does that mean its s01?


June 26, 2010 8:55 pm  #6

Re: Help! New visitors not being counted...

I am lost...what does s01 mean??   

Sapphire Farms
     Thread Starter

June 27, 2010 4:23 am  #7

Re: Help! New visitors not being counted...

s01 means server 1. Flagcounter has 7 different servers. If your counter has s01 in front of the address, that means your counter is located on the server 1 ;)


June 27, 2010 4:41 am  #8

Re: Help! New visitors not being counted...

My counter doesn't have any S's in it's address?
Anyway, it appears to have started working again in the last few hours.


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