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April 21, 2010 10:16 pm  #1

Not all flags represent countries

Below the "Get Your Own Free Flag Counter!" button in the Top Countries section, it says "### countries have visited this site!" However, not all flags represent countries. Some represent overseas territories or unknown locations. The word "regions" must therefore be added - "### countries/regions have visited this site!"

Vexillologically and numismatically yours,

The Royal Numismatic Bank of Justin

April 23, 2010 3:07 pm  #2

Re: Not all flags represent countries

i dont think that much people would care about that :-o


April 23, 2010 10:15 pm  #3

Re: Not all flags represent countries

Goalzilla wrote:

i dont think that much people would care about that :-o

I know, but it's misleading. You can't say that 100 countries have visited you when only 90 have. We're not dealing with an opinion here, but a fact. It would be embarassing for Flagcounter to deem all those flags as country flags

Vexillologically and numismatically yours,

The Royal Numismatic Bank of Justin
     Thread Starter

May 2, 2010 8:05 am  #4

Re: Not all flags represent countries

A flagcounter with only 193 flags of the officialy independent countries than ?
I'm jalous of all the territories that have have their own flag.
I life in Vlaanderen and my visits are shown with a Belgian flag;I would prefer a Flemish lion-flag instead !

http://www.johanpostcards.blogspot.com I'm trying to get one written/stamped postcard sent to me from every Country/Territory/Island in the world.(johan.ockerman@gmail.com)

Any flag is welcome !!!

May 2, 2010 10:55 am  #5

Re: Not all flags represent countries

Does anybody know where the Asia Pacific region flag comes from?


May 2, 2010 3:52 pm  #6

Re: Not all flags represent countries

llandewi wrote:

Does anybody know where the Asia Pacific region flag comes from?

To get the answer a) post a new topic in the Help section or b) use Search option.

Last edited by jojobaby (May 3, 2010 12:31 am)


May 3, 2010 12:14 am  #7

Re: Not all flags represent countries

Even, there are 5 more "flags" that are not countries nor regions: The unknown flags: http://flagcounter.boardhost.com/viewtopic.php?id=522

and even one for a whole continent: Antarctica.

Regarding the Asia/Pacific, most of these visits come from East Timor


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