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October 20, 2019 1:19 pm  #1

Unknown Visits

I am down to 11 country flags missing, and looking at my daily visit information, I wonder if there is a glitch in some of the remote areas IP system, or is it in the flag recognition by the flag counter system. I see the Unknown EU Union ones a few times each week, but sort of understand that.Any insight on this?
The odd ones, and what area that they could fit are marked with a red X.



October 20, 2019 2:30 pm  #2

Re: Unknown Visits

Unknown, EU hits are IPs international companies like IKEA are using. Unknown, Asia/Pacific are usually satellite hits provided to remote areas by the countries they belong to


251/251 countries and 3,860/3,860 flags collected.

October 20, 2019 3:56 pm  #3

Re: Unknown Visits



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