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July 6, 2019 2:03 pm  #1

I lost my counter! and it's reset ?

Hi , I have had the same flag counter since 2013/14 >>   h t tp ://s11.flagcounter.com/more30/ozk  << I looked at the flag counter today and it has reset ? I tried to log in with my account and the email I used back in 2013/14 don't seem to be on your site no more like I have never registered it ? , I have now re registered my email to write here .. why has it been reset and have i lost all the visitors now i have accumulated over the years ? ..I'm not happy about this so would like to get info back ..thx Mark


July 6, 2019 2:50 pm  #2

Re: I lost my counter! and it's reset ?

Hi mak92,

To preserve our resources, a counter is removed from our service for inactivity if it doesn't log a new visitor for 30 days (unless there is an active Flag Counter Pro subscription).

Flag Counter Developer
Boardhost.com, Inc.

July 6, 2019 4:27 pm  #3

Re: I lost my counter! and it's reset ?

Oh , I didn't know this , I had it on a site I had a break from for a year due to illness , I decided to start using the site again only today and noticed so it could have been removed a while ago , I don't know if I missed it where if no activity it's closed down , If I had known I wouldn't have let this happen .. A bit gutted myself but if nothing can be done .. I will suck it up .. shame though ;-/ ... Thanks for your help though .. cheers Mark 

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