- sojournersflight
- Flag Newbie
- Registered: April 20, 2010
- Posts: 9
State and Country Flag Counts Do Not Match
I apologize if you have already answered this somewhere else.
I am working on a website design and I added your country and state flag counters to it. I really like them and wish to keep them on there but I noticed a difference between the two. The website is only a rough draft right now but I published it so that I could see how everything works.
In regards to your flag counters, at the moment the State counter shows 5 visitors, while the Country counter only shows 4 visitors for the US. The website is www.americanride2010.com if you'd like to verify what I am seeing. Can you help fix this? I would like to have it accurate as I think this is a great tool and really adds something for people to see.
I appreciate your help!
Kind regards,
- sojournersflight
- Flag Newbie
- Registered: April 20, 2010
- Posts: 9
Re: State and Country Flag Counts Do Not Match
Has anyone else encountered this problem? I would be grateful for any ideas on how to fix the Country counter so that it matches the State, without installing the counters again.
And for reference, they completely matched until last night.
Thanks in advance!
Last edited by sojournersflight (April 20, 2010 4:01 pm)
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- blogannath
- Flag Collector
- Registered: November 21, 2009
- Posts: 353
Re: State and Country Flag Counts Do Not Match
There may be parts of the US that don't have state flags (I am not saying this is a fact, I am just speculating. At this point, I don't know of any such place. All parts of the US have either a state flag or a separate country flag, such as US Virgin Islands and Guam). This can cause the two counters to become out of sync. Also, it is possible that the two counters use different cookies, and some user may have deleted his country flag cookie, but not the state flag cookie, causing the discrepancy.
- sojournersflight
- Flag Newbie
- Registered: April 20, 2010
- Posts: 9
Re: State and Country Flag Counts Do Not Match
Thanks for the reply.
I'm not an expert, so I can't be 100% positive, but since both counters on the same page, which is the home page, I'm not quite sure if it's possible to have a conflict with cookies.
Whatever the cause, it seems to have happened with the last entry from Michigan (MI), as it was accurate before that. Since it's probably pretty difficult to trouble shoot and I haven't seen anyone else mention this recently, I am wondering if there is a way to correct the number behind the scenes. I imagine the data must be stored somewhere....?
I was considering to puchase the Pro version once I'm ready to start promoting my website, but I'm a little hesistant about the accuracy because of this.
If anyone else had some additional insight, I'd love you hear your suggestions.
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- blogannath
- Flag Collector
- Registered: November 21, 2009
- Posts: 353
Re: State and Country Flag Counts Do Not Match
All counters have their own quirks about what gets counted and what does not get counted, what counts as unique and what does not and so on and so forth. If you have two counters on a webpage and they actually match after a substantial number of pageloads, I would be shocked! That is all I am going to say when it comes to counters and their accuracy.
As far as I know, there is no way to change the numbers in the counters without discarding the counter and getting a new one.
- sojournersflight
- Flag Newbie
- Registered: April 20, 2010
- Posts: 9
Re: State and Country Flag Counts Do Not Match
Fair enough.
I'm new to the whole concept of website design and counters, so this past week has been a crash course.
I imagine that once the counts get higher it wouldn't really be that noticeable, but since my website's about a motorcycle trip I'm doing and I have a sponsor, I was trying to make it as accurate as possible.
You are completely right about the option to delete the counters and start over. I will probably do that, if there is no other alternative, I was just kind of attached to my first new flags :-)
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- blogannath
- Flag Collector
- Registered: November 21, 2009
- Posts: 353
Re: State and Country Flag Counts Do Not Match
The risk with starting over is that the new counters would become out of sync and then you would have to repeat the process over and over again. I have two suggestions:
1. Live with the current counters. As you rightly pointed out, as the numbers become higher, the discrepancy will be less noticeable
2. Remove one of the counters. You have a problem only when you have two counters. If you have only one counter, it is always accurate!
Good luck! Have a safe trip and enjoy yourself!!
- sojournersflight
- Flag Newbie
- Registered: April 20, 2010
- Posts: 9
Re: State and Country Flag Counts Do Not Match
Good points. I'll monitor it for a little bit and then make a decision.
As for the trip, I'll do my best not to crash! A few months of free time, some open roads and adventure...I think it will be impossible not to have fun
All the best to you! Anyone with Dilbert on their blog must certainly be able to see the humor in every day life
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- blogannath
- Flag Collector
- Registered: November 21, 2009
- Posts: 353
Re: State and Country Flag Counts Do Not Match
Thank you. As for Dilbert, I used to laugh at Dilbert cartoons when I was in school. Little did I know then that they were not meant for humor, but to teach me about corporate life and philosophy!
Have fun on your trip. And I gave you your first IL flag!
- sojournersflight
- Flag Newbie
- Registered: April 20, 2010
- Posts: 9
Re: State and Country Flag Counts Do Not Match
You are awesome! Now I have a new flag and we can confirm that the Country counter is working.
As for Dilbert you are completely right! I find that I alternate between feeling justified for being vexed by people's behavior and laughing hysterically when the featured Dilbert of the day seems to be more accurate to the current situation than any horoscope could ever be. It's these small joys that keep us sane in life, I think...or it at least helps us cling to the illusion of sanity...not exactly sure on that one.
Ok, back to website design I go. Woohoo!
Take care!
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