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January 6, 2014 7:52 pm  #61

Re: Newbie likes all the flags of the World !

1+ USA and 1st Colorado state flag. Thanks.

My site:

Looking for Africa, South America, Asia

January 6, 2014 8:58 pm  #62

Re: Newbie likes all the flags of the World !

January 6, 2014 British Virgin Islands First visit from British Virgin Islands!
January 6, 2014 Taiwan First visit from Taiwan!
January 6, 2014 Serbia First visit from Serbia!
January 6, 2014 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines First visit from Saint Vincent and the Grenadines!
January 6, 2014 Puerto Rico First visit from Puerto Rico!
January 6, 2014 Oman First visit from Oman!
January 6, 2014 Namibia First visit from Namibia!
January 6, 2014 Macedonia First visit from Macedonia!
January 6, 2014 Lebanon First visit from Lebanon!
January 6, 2014 Georgia First visit from Georgia!


January 6, 2014 11:29 pm  #63

Re: Newbie likes all the flags of the World !

Visited from Poland


January 7, 2014 5:41 am  #64

Re: Newbie likes all the flags of the World !

@belexes: Thanks for the Visit - unfortunately not countedvisited back

@StratuS: Thank you for the Visit - visited back both sites - the first German Flags

@bghardrock: What am I supposed to (10 new beautiful flags) say: THANK Julian - YOU are the World

@Basquine: Thank you for the Visit - visited back Germany +1

Please visit my Site: flagcounter.hpage.com 
World 250/250 - Regions 3115/3565 - Flags collected 3400
Missing Regions: https://s05.flagcounter.com/countries/s07eZyi/?missingregions
     Thread Starter

January 8, 2014 10:38 am  #65

Re: Newbie likes all the flags of the World !

#148 Turks + Caicos Islands
#149 Bermuda

Don't know who gave me this 2 new flags, but i say: THANK YOU VERY MUCH

Please visit my Site: flagcounter.hpage.com 
World 250/250 - Regions 3115/3565 - Flags collected 3400
Missing Regions: https://s05.flagcounter.com/countries/s07eZyi/?missingregions
     Thread Starter

January 8, 2014 12:15 pm  #66

Re: Newbie likes all the flags of the World !

Oh, what a nice day !

#151 Saint Kitts and Nevis
#152 The Bahamas
#153 Grenada
#154 Sudan
#155 Barbados
#156 Kuwait
#157 Anguilla
#158 Dominica
#159 Guam
#160 Trinidad and Tobago
#161 Uzbekistan
#162 Saint Lucia
#163 Tajikistan
#164 Ivory Coast

Don't know who gave me this 14 new flags, but i say: THANK YOU VERY MUCH

Please visit my Site: flagcounter.hpage.com 
World 250/250 - Regions 3115/3565 - Flags collected 3400
Missing Regions: https://s05.flagcounter.com/countries/s07eZyi/?missingregions
     Thread Starter

January 8, 2014 4:19 pm  #67

Re: Newbie likes all the flags of the World !

Oh, what a nice day and it goes on !

#165 Botswana
#166 Tunisia
#167 Nicaragua
#168 Laos

Don't know who gave me this 4 new flags, but i say: THANK YOU VERY MUCH

Please visit my Site: flagcounter.hpage.com 
World 250/250 - Regions 3115/3565 - Flags collected 3400
Missing Regions: https://s05.flagcounter.com/countries/s07eZyi/?missingregions
     Thread Starter

January 9, 2014 5:32 am  #68

Re: Newbie likes all the flags of the World !

#169 Cook Islands
#170 Burundi
#171 Fiji

Don't know who gave me this 3 nice new flags, but i say: THANK YOU VERY MUCH

Please visit my Site: flagcounter.hpage.com 
World 250/250 - Regions 3115/3565 - Flags collected 3400
Missing Regions: https://s05.flagcounter.com/countries/s07eZyi/?missingregions
     Thread Starter

January 9, 2014 11:06 am  #69


January 9, 2014 2:26 pm  #70

Re: Newbie likes all the flags of the World !

@Zezamix: Thank you for the Visit - visited back Germany +1 
#172 Benin

Don't know who gave me this 1 nice new flag, but i say: THANK YOU VERY MUCH 

Please visit my Site: flagcounter.hpage.com 
World 250/250 - Regions 3115/3565 - Flags collected 3400
Missing Regions: https://s05.flagcounter.com/countries/s07eZyi/?missingregions
     Thread Starter

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