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February 21, 2010 7:53 am  #1

Wrong position of San Marino's flag

Hallo admins.
I'd like to remark the wrong position of San Marino's flag:
The flag appair near Citt�  di Castello, an italian town about 80 KMS far from the republic of San Marino.[url=http://maps.google.it/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=citt%C3%A0+di+castello&daddr=san+marino&geocode=FdQolwIdOtO6ACkZXipKkXIsEzF7IqxjSb4-wg%3BFdiBngIdMRe-ACl5P-b1X-ssEzEQIDSCmfMAAA&hl=it&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=43.710585,12.27777&sspn=0.696853,1.234589&ie=UTF8&ll=43.701637,12.374725&spn=0.696957,1.234589&z=10/]The way to arrive in SAN MARINO (RSM)[/url]
I live in Rimini, the nearest city to San Marino, on the beach.

Thanks in advance for the attention.


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