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April 13, 2013 9:04 pm  #1

Just added a shiny new flag counter to my blog!

Hello, all-

I wish I had known about this two years ago when I started my blog. Unfortunately, I didn't and have missed all sorts of great flag collecting opportunities. I just looked at my WordPress Stats page and I could have collected 72 different types of flags since February 25th, 2012.

Ah, well. Sad to have missed those chances...but, no more! Going forward from today, I'll be a happy flag collector like all of you.

So, if you'd be so kind as to jumpstart my humble little collection, I would be most grateful! And, if you'd like me to add an American flag to your collection, please let me know!

Also, feel free to browse the posts and, if you're so inclined, leave a comment or two. 

Thank you!


April 13, 2013 10:10 pm  #2

Re: Just added a shiny new flag counter to my blog!

Greetings and a flag from Germany.


April 13, 2013 10:13 pm  #3


April 13, 2013 11:21 pm  #4

Re: Just added a shiny new flag counter to my blog!

Croatia +1


April 14, 2013 12:00 am  #5

Re: Just added a shiny new flag counter to my blog!

+ 1 Russia

Missíng Countries: Heard Island and McDonald Islands; Western Sahara   http://s11.flagcounter.com/count/55f1/bg_000000/txt_FFFFFF/border_000000/columns_8/maxflags_250/viewers_1/labels_1/pageviews_0/flags_1/
Peregrinatio est vita. Suum cuique… Si felix esse vis, este!

April 14, 2013 12:16 am  #6

Re: Just added a shiny new flag counter to my blog!

+ 1 Brazil

Visit Me: Naruto News
Missing Country: http://s08.flagcounter.com/countries/c7es/?missing

April 14, 2013 12:27 am  #7

Re: Just added a shiny new flag counter to my blog!

visited ur site,plz visit mine too

Please visit my blog and flag Counter and you're very welcomed ..and sure i'll visit back ur blog


April 14, 2013 1:21 am  #8

Re: Just added a shiny new flag counter to my blog!

Thank you for all the kind visits so far! I'll be grateful for many more. Maalika, I made sure to visit your site. The recipes look very delicious!

     Thread Starter

April 14, 2013 1:26 am  #9

Re: Just added a shiny new flag counter to my blog!

Janyaa wrote:

Thank you for all the kind visits so far! I'll be grateful for many more. Maalika, I made sure to visit your site. The recipes look very delicious!

Thank u

Please visit my blog and flag Counter and you're very welcomed ..and sure i'll visit back ur blog


April 14, 2013 2:03 am  #10

Re: Just added a shiny new flag counter to my blog!

First Indonesian visit


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