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December 29, 2012 9:10 pm  #1

Flags from EVERYWHERE needed - only got around ~75 countries!!!

If anyone can help me out it would be great...


I've been collecting flags on this specific counter (on my last.fm profile) for about 3 years now, with only one post on these forums a few months ago - I just use last.fm a lot and people make their way to my profile... but now, of course, i have some flags and i'm getting hooked so i need some help with the ones i'm missing..

Anyway, the addresses are:


and here are some stats so I can compare them later and see who added what..

At this very moment I have:

(for last.fm)

78 unique countries (in addition, 36/50+1 US states and 5/13 Canadian territories)
3,145 unique visits
12,178 total visits


(for houseofhegira.tumblr.com)

73 unique countries (in addition, 39/50+1 US states and 5/13 Canadian territories)
1,766 unique visits
20,483 total visits

Thanks to everyone in advance!!! Visits from EVERYWHERE are welcome I will visit back from NL


December 29, 2012 9:19 pm  #2

Re: Flags from EVERYWHERE needed - only got around ~75 countries!!!

Visited from Spain


December 29, 2012 9:21 pm  #3

Re: Flags from EVERYWHERE needed - only got around ~75 countries!!!

Visited both sites from Poland


December 29, 2012 9:30 pm  #4

Re: Flags from EVERYWHERE needed - only got around ~75 countries!!!

1+ USA/Colorado for both. Thanks!

My site:

Looking for Africa, South America, Asia

December 29, 2012 10:18 pm  #5

Re: Flags from EVERYWHERE needed - only got around ~75 countries!!!

Croatia visited you,please visit our pages back:-)


December 30, 2012 12:47 am  #6

Re: Flags from EVERYWHERE needed - only got around ~75 countries!!!

+1 Japan


December 30, 2012 1:11 am  #7

Re: Flags from EVERYWHERE needed - only got around ~75 countries!!!

Thanks to all of you, I visited everyone back In Saro's case it's his first NL visit

That being said, I'm looking for people from the Carribean, Central and South America, Africa and Southeast Asia \ Pacific more than anything else... where are you people :D

     Thread Starter

December 30, 2012 1:17 am  #8

Re: Flags from EVERYWHERE needed - only got around ~75 countries!!!

Visited your site 

Regards Paul

Old English haulage company W & J Riding

December 30, 2012 6:39 am  #9

Re: Flags from EVERYWHERE needed - only got around ~75 countries!!!

+1 Uk


December 30, 2012 10:23 am  #10

Re: Flags from EVERYWHERE needed - only got around ~75 countries!!!

+1 Poland


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