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December 7, 2012 12:42 pm  #1

Flag Map

I do not see any country name on my Flag Map..
OM Hans

PLEASE VISIT MY WEBSITE:  http://www.dh0iav.de  Greetings from the Müritz, the largest inland lake in Germany !  OM Hans, (DH0IAV)
248 countries, .2213 flags collected

December 7, 2012 12:48 pm  #2

Re: Flag Map

We have disabled the country names, as the flags were covering them up in many cases and it has a much cleaner look now.  You can still click on a flag to see the name displayed.

Flag Counter Developer
Boardhost.com, Inc.

December 7, 2012 12:53 pm  #3

Re: Flag Map

Thank you for the information. You are right, it looks better. OM Hans

PLEASE VISIT MY WEBSITE:  http://www.dh0iav.de  Greetings from the Müritz, the largest inland lake in Germany !  OM Hans, (DH0IAV)
248 countries, .2213 flags collected
     Thread Starter

December 7, 2012 1:07 pm  #4

Re: Flag Map

Not exactly a polite request....
Suggest you learn some manners!


The Names Must Be Restored

The Terrain View Must Be Restored Also


December 7, 2012 1:08 pm  #5

Re: Flag Map

ignore him....he's a moron

On The 8th Day God Created A Megamix, & The Heavens Danced.


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