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November 5, 2012 6:38 am  #1

Block sites

I want to ask if it is possible to have an option "block sites", (something like  the "allowed sites").
The reason is because sometimes it is more easy to block one site, or one simple page of a site (e.g. if someone copied my fc by mistake or not), than enable many sites or many pages, using the "allowed sites" option!


November 6, 2012 8:08 pm  #2

Re: Block sites

Thank you for your suggestion, the problem with this is that it goes against the spirit in which the service is offered.

Flag Counter Pro (or Flag Counter in general) is a service which is intended to be used on one or a handful of sites or domains -- not in so many places that a list of sites in which it is not allowed to be used on is easier to maintain. 

If you are running into a limit with the 30 allowed domains, however, we could likely make an increase there.

Flag Counter Developer
Boardhost.com, Inc.

November 9, 2012 4:21 am  #3

Re: Block sites

Jeremy, thanks for the reply! 

Last edited by nikolaos p. (November 9, 2012 4:21 am)

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