- eelya1
- Flag Newbie
- Registered: October 31, 2012
- Posts: 5
page visits counting backwards ??????
I've been thinking something wasn't right.
my page was visited quite a bit, but recently my page counts have dropped significantly.
sometimes i visited my counter and it seemed that the number was less than it showed the previous evening.
well, i just went to my page... took note of the counter number, then 'refreshed' the page.
the 'refreshed' number was 1 less than i had been just a bit earlier.
what's happening.
- Russians
- Flag Collector
- Registered: August 10, 2010
- Posts: 328
Re: page visits counting backwards ??????
eelya1 wrote:
I've been thinking something wasn't right.
my page was visited quite a bit, but recently my page counts have dropped significantly.
sometimes i visited my counter and it seemed that the number was less than it showed the previous evening.
well, i just went to my page... took note of the counter number, then 'refreshed' the page.
the 'refreshed' number was 1 less than i had been just a bit earlier.
what's happening.
First at all give your web address where your FC is locate......
Freelancer - -
- eelya1
- Flag Newbie
- Registered: October 31, 2012
- Posts: 5
Re: page visits counting backwards ??????
let's see if i can get this to work.
- •
- eelya1
- Flag Newbie
- Registered: October 31, 2012
- Posts: 5
Re: page visits counting backwards ??????
i'm not on the best of terms with the geocaching.com people,
so it could be that THEY have something to do with my situation.
- •
- arienurkhairani
- Flag Newbie
- Registered: October 31, 2012
- Posts: 2
Re: page visits counting backwards ??????
come n visit my blog arienk.blogspot.com...i am new comer in blog at flag counter
- Jens
- Flag Master
- From: Dierhagen / Germany
- Registered: January 12, 2010
- Posts: 6,880
Re: page visits counting backwards ??????
arienurkhairani wrote:
come n visit my blog arienk.blogspot.com...i am new comer in blog at flag counter
You should post your request at the appropriate forum section.
The views expressed in this statement are in no way intended to represent the views of boardhost.com. The views are my own as moderator of this forum. Since 31 Dec 2016 I'm retired and no longer Moderator of this forum.
- eelya1
- Flag Newbie
- Registered: October 31, 2012
- Posts: 5
Re: page visits counting backwards ??????
it just did it again......... my count went from 4811 DOWN to 4810
- •
- Jeremy
- Administrator
- From: United States
- Registered: August 30, 2009
- Posts: 2,774
Re: page visits counting backwards ??????
It is likely you were viewing a cached page or image. What is the address of your counter?
Flag Counter Developer
Boardhost.com, Inc.
- eelya1
- Flag Newbie
- Registered: October 31, 2012
- Posts: 5
Re: page visits counting backwards ??????
here's a link to my counter
- •
- Jens
- Flag Master
- From: Dierhagen / Germany
- Registered: January 12, 2010
- Posts: 6,880
Re: page visits counting backwards ??????
eelya1 wrote:
here's a link to my counter
That requires a log in to access your site
The views expressed in this statement are in no way intended to represent the views of boardhost.com. The views are my own as moderator of this forum. Since 31 Dec 2016 I'm retired and no longer Moderator of this forum.