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October 12, 2012 1:12 pm  #1


Is there any problem with s07?
My flagcounter gets visits, but they are not counted!
They appear in a time view counter  but they are not counted and not appearing in the visitor log!
It seems as I had 2-3 visits each hour fot the last 3 hours!!


October 12, 2012 5:21 pm  #2

Re: s07

I just visited you, and it counter fine.

On The 8th Day God Created A Megamix, & The Heavens Danced.


October 12, 2012 8:11 pm  #3

Re: s07

I just returned back home and I see that everything works fine!
Paul Prince, thanks for the answer!
Obviously it was something temporary, for 2-3 hours today!
The good news is that now it appears all the visits of that time, which supposed to have been lost!

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