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September 30, 2012 2:39 am  #1

New Blog, Requesting Flags!

Hello All,

I have started a professional blog to reflect on my teaching this school year.  My topics will include: implementing flip teaching, implementing International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Programme (MYP), and (of course) new technologies enhancing education. Please check it out when you have a chance.  I would love to have international readers and lots of flags from around the globe.  I will visit your blog in return.  Thank you!


Please visit my professional blog and our class blog:

September 30, 2012 4:13 am  #2

Re: New Blog, Requesting Flags!

First B-flag for you !

http://www.johanpostcards.blogspot.com I'm trying to get one written/stamped postcard sent to me from every Country/Territory/Island in the world.(johan.ockerman@gmail.com)

Any flag is welcome !!!

September 30, 2012 5:26 am  #3

Re: New Blog, Requesting Flags!

ithI (Sri Lanka) visited @ yours. Congratulation!!! mine is http://techtalk.uphero.com/index.php


September 30, 2012 6:27 am  #4

Re: New Blog, Requesting Flags!

First France-Flag for you


September 30, 2012 6:36 am  #5

Re: New Blog, Requesting Flags!

Thank you, Jo, Manpra, and Diane.  I have returned the visits (NJ, USA)

Please visit my professional blog and our class blog:
     Thread Starter

September 30, 2012 6:41 am  #6

Re: New Blog, Requesting Flags!

Thanks Ms.Thompson !

http://www.johanpostcards.blogspot.com I'm trying to get one written/stamped postcard sent to me from every Country/Territory/Island in the world.(johan.ockerman@gmail.com)

Any flag is welcome !!!

September 30, 2012 9:38 am  #7

Re: New Blog, Requesting Flags!

First flag of Poland for your blog


September 30, 2012 10:19 am  #8

Re: New Blog, Requesting Flags!

+ 1 Turkey


September 30, 2012 10:54 am  #9

Re: New Blog, Requesting Flags!

First UK flag 


September 30, 2012 12:39 pm  #10


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