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January 26, 2010 3:41 pm  #1

Lost all my flags by copying the wrong code!

Today I was updating my flags display in order to have more of them in my blog, but by mistake I have copied the wrong code! Because of this I lost all my flags and pageviews. How can I get them back?
Could you, please, send an answer to my e-mail too?

Thank you! 


January 26, 2010 8:36 pm  #2

Re: Lost all my flags by copying the wrong code!

It happened again, but this time I copied the correct code!!!
What's happening? 
I want all my beautiful flags and visitors back!!! 

     Thread Starter

January 26, 2010 9:21 pm  #3

Re: Lost all my flags by copying the wrong code!

I tried to regenerate my HTML code but it was difficult for me to do it. Is it really possible to do it manually? Hoe can I rgenerate all the flags codes???
Heeeeeeeeelp me!

     Thread Starter

January 26, 2010 9:31 pm  #4

Re: Lost all my flags by copying the wrong code!

Look in the FAQ to recreate your HTML code with your options.  But you need the URL of your flagcounter statistics page to use the method explained in the FAQ.  Good luck!


January 27, 2010 12:50 am  #5

Re: Lost all my flags by copying the wrong code!

Hi, thanks...that's the problem, I don't have it because I lost it when updating my flags display this morning, and I don't have a backup...
So, that's it, without a backup, goodbye flags? No way to have it back? How about Flag Counter Support, can't they help me in anyway?
I want my flags back!!! 

     Thread Starter

January 27, 2010 8:58 pm  #6

Re: Lost all my flags by copying the wrong code!

Looks like you did have a backup of the flagcounter code in your browser and managed to get back all the flags!  Good for you, but make sure you save that HTML carefully in the future.  I put the original HTML code as an email and mailed it to myself on GMail, so it is there for as long as google supports GMail!


January 28, 2010 2:39 am  #7

Re: Lost all my flags by copying the wrong code!

Hi blogannath! Yes, fortunately I had a backup of the flagcounter code in my browser and managed to get back all my beloved flags and pageviews! Now I have copies of this code in my computer, pendrive and in my Gmail too, like you!

I posted the step by step to do this in another post in order to help other desperate people! 

     Thread Starter

January 29, 2010 1:44 pm  #8

Re: Lost all my flags by copying the wrong code!

Hey vaniarejane;
your blog looks nice. I can understand why you needed your flags back. Some of those I am missing on mine.  Nice weekend.

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January 31, 2010 1:22 am  #9

Re: Lost all my flags by copying the wrong code!

Hi Jeans! Thanks! Nice blog, and you have many flags too! 

     Thread Starter

January 31, 2010 1:29 am  #10

Re: Lost all my flags by copying the wrong code!

vaniarejane wrote:

I want my flags back!!! 

+1 Germany!!!

Best wishes...


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