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July 11, 2012 9:05 am  #1

European Union flag

now in main list are for example uninhabited Bouvet Island and Heard Island....
Why no add to main list 246 European Union flag. Best


July 11, 2012 9:08 am  #2


July 11, 2012 9:53 am  #3

Re: European Union flag

The EU flag was set to the end of the list because it is not a single country (like Germany) or region (like Bouvet Island).

That issue was discussed a while ago and the forum agreed to keep it at the end.

The views expressed in this statement are in no way intended to represent the views of boardhost.com. The views are my own as moderator of this forum. Since 31 Dec 2016 I'm retired and no longer Moderator of this forum.

July 11, 2012 1:52 pm  #4

Re: European Union flag

EU flag and the 4 proxy IPs were originally counted as flag numbers, for instance now they would be #246-250, but this got changed. They are just recorded as visits now.


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