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July 4, 2012 11:12 pm  #1

Standalone counters

We are no longer going to be offering the creation of new standalone US and Canada counters. 

Instead, we have built a new style of counter that uses your existing regional data.  Starting now, you can create a US counter for your site that uses the US regional data that we have already recorded on your counter.  To do so, visit the "Renegerate HTML page" for your counter.   This regional counter will function as a regular counter, and record data for all countries and regions.

Similarly, our site now allows you to create a U.S Flag Counter that will show U.S flags, but will collect all of our standard statistics and information.

We plan to expand this offering in the coming months so that Flag Counter Pro users will to be able to have their own German, Polish, Russian, Egyptian, or whatever country they like counter to put on their site. 

Flag Counter Developer
Boardhost.com, Inc.

July 5, 2012 3:57 am  #2

Re: Standalone counters

Jeremy wrote:

We plan to expand this offering in the coming months so that Flag Counter Pro users will to be able to have their own German, Polish, Russian, Egyptian, or whatever country they like counter to put on their site.

This will make a lot of people very happy.


July 6, 2012 12:32 pm  #3

Re: Standalone counters

same for me

 █████████http://www.last.fm/user/markmaierody2 █████████ 

July 6, 2012 1:22 pm  #4

Re: Standalone counters

same for me too

On The 8th Day God Created A Megamix, & The Heavens Danced.


July 6, 2012 2:30 pm  #5

Re: Standalone counters

same for me so i made the code on my own.
just add "count_US" instead the normal "count" in your link.

awesome idea! love it. thanks very much 


July 6, 2012 2:54 pm  #6

Re: Standalone counters

and count_CA  for canadian flags  !!

On The 8th Day God Created A Megamix, & The Heavens Danced.


July 6, 2012 5:40 pm  #7

Re: Standalone counters

This has been fixed, sorry about that! 

Flag Counter Developer
Boardhost.com, Inc.
     Thread Starter

July 6, 2012 7:44 pm  #8

Re: Standalone counters

Is it possible when use viewers_3 not shown US/Canadian flag in the top?


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