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April 27, 2012 7:54 am  #1

My Flag Counter does not work properly

I placed the Flag Counter to my blog

But it seems not working properly.

The counter from blogger shows 390 visitors from 7 countries, where Flag counter just count 90 visitors from 4 countries.


April 27, 2012 7:58 am  #2

Re: My Flag Counter does not work properly

because you have to wait for the image to load before it counts

On The 8th Day God Created A Megamix, & The Heavens Danced.


April 27, 2012 7:58 am  #3

Re: My Flag Counter does not work properly

Flag Counter only counts new visitors, and it only counts when it is loaded. Also, it may take a while until the stats are accurate.


251/251 countries and 3,860/3,860 flags collected.

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Flag Counter