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April 23, 2012 5:42 pm  #11

Re: look at my link and send me a message


April 25, 2012 8:30 pm  #12

Re: look at my link and send me a message

+1 United Arab Emirates.

Hello привет مرحبا Hallo สวัสดี Hei 你好 Hallå هلا こんにちはXin chào Ciao 여보세요
Visit My site: http://is.gd/01234 about: collecting a stamped postcard from every country in the world.
i would like to swap a postcard with you if your country is not in my list.
Thanks شكرا gracias Dank 谢谢

April 27, 2012 9:06 am  #13

Re: look at my link and send me a message

+1 Belgium

Belgian greetings from my dogs in Heaven, my cats on Earth and I   
I always appreciate a visit back
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