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December 29, 2011 4:11 pm  #1

Counter has issues

Hi all,


My website, on the counter at 4:05pm GMT today, It could not connect to your S05 server, it has now connected, BUT, the total page view stat is not visible on the counter - it has always been visible since the day I inserted it into my website.

Please advise possible reasons for its disappearance.

many thanks


December 29, 2011 4:20 pm  #2

Re: Counter has issues

We are working on some issues with s05.  It will be back soon.

Flag Counter Developer
Boardhost.com, Inc.

December 29, 2011 6:03 pm  #3

Re: Counter has issues

Jeremy wrote:

We are working on some issues with s05.  It will be back soon.

Could you give an estimate on how long it will take to be fixed?

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