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December 15, 2011 5:17 am  #1

Flag Counter Not Working

My Flag Counter is only showing flags for Canada (where I live) and the US.
But my stats page tells me that I've had visits from at least three other countries (Germany, Sweden, Russia). I removed and re-installed the counter once, but am getting the same result.
Can anyone help with this?


December 15, 2011 5:46 am  #2

Re: Flag Counter Not Working

Several reasons:
a) Your visitors have not allowed the flag counter image to be displayed,
b) You operate a blog and the counter resides only on the entry page,
c) The counter could have been temporarily off
d) ... depends on your visitors behave and the location of your counter

The views expressed in this statement are in no way intended to represent the views of boardhost.com. The views are my own as moderator of this forum. Since 31 Dec 2016 I'm retired and no longer Moderator of this forum.

December 15, 2011 6:21 am  #3

Re: Flag Counter Not Working

Thank you, Jens.
My counter is on my blog at Blogger.
I entered the code on the Design page.
Is there somewhere else to install it?
At the current location, the Flag Counter is registering visitos, just not where they're from.

     Thread Starter

December 15, 2011 11:10 am  #4

Re: Flag Counter Not Working

I'm not familiar with blogger.

I hope other guys can help you in that case.

The views expressed in this statement are in no way intended to represent the views of boardhost.com. The views are my own as moderator of this forum. Since 31 Dec 2016 I'm retired and no longer Moderator of this forum.

December 15, 2011 3:15 pm  #5

Re: Flag Counter Not Working

Thanks for your help, Jens!

     Thread Starter

April 20, 2012 2:50 pm  #6

Re: Flag Counter Not Working

Hello everyone,

I also have a similar problem. My flag counter doesn't seem to collect all stats. Even though I am getting hits on a daily basis, it does not seem to get updated.

I had, for example, way more than 1 hits from US. The counter only shows 1.

Any ideas?

Thank you.


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Flag Counter