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December 8, 2011 9:25 pm  #1

My Flag Counter has reset. Any way to recover the old data?


I have been using Flag Counter for a while now and accumulated millions of visitor hits over hundreds of countries.

A couple of days ago the graphic disappeared and when it came back, all the old data was gone. It appears to have reset.

Is there any way to recover the original data?

I have tried to include the link to the Flag Counter page but the Forum won't let me as I am a new user. Here are the details (delete the spaces)

s05.flagcounter . com/more/RRJ

Thanks and bye for now,

Brett Green - Editor


December 9, 2011 2:43 am  #2

Re: My Flag Counter has reset. Any way to recover the old data?

I have restored your counter.  Please accept our apologies.

Flag Counter Developer
Boardhost.com, Inc.

December 9, 2011 2:47 am  #3

Re: My Flag Counter has reset. Any way to recover the old data?

Hi Jeremy,

Thanks very much for the lightning fast response. I had a few enquiries from visitors who are interested in the ongoing stats, so it is nice to have them back.

Bye for now,


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