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October 16, 2011 11:53 pm  #1

Missing Flag counter

I noticed yesterday that my flag counter was missing any clue as to where it went?
On the QRZ  dot com  page for KI6WCI
Had 55 countries 493 unique visitors at last count IIRC


October 17, 2011 4:54 am  #2

Re: Missing Flag counter

You flag counter image was overwritten by another image. See your source coded below:
<a href="http://s07.flagcounter.com/more/pQ7"><img alt="" src="http://files.qrz.com/i/ki6wci/IMG_5136_2_.JPG" style="width: 729px; height: 418px;" /></a>

Your flag counter is s07.flagcounter.com/more/pQ7

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October 18, 2011 12:32 am  #3

Re: Missing Flag counter

Thanks Jens, I don't know how that happened but it looks like I'll have to start over again as I couldn't get the counter to go back.
If you have any input as to how to get it back or how to reload the flag counter I'd appreciate it. I'll wait for your reply before making my next move


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October 18, 2011 4:37 am  #4

Re: Missing Flag counter

Jens provided the link to your Flag Counter, which is at http://s07.flagcounter.com/more/pQ7

If you follow the Regenerate HTML link on the bottom of that page, you can generate a new code for your counter.

Flag Counter Developer
Boardhost.com, Inc.

October 18, 2011 1:37 pm  #5

Re: Missing Flag counter

Thanks Jeremy, got her back up and running.


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Flag Counter