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October 1, 2011 1:48 pm  #1

Now im having Problems

I have problems now that I believe may be a html problem. On my Bio-page on qrz.com there is a map on the detail tab that shows my location. And there is a place just under my name on my Bio-page that will show my e-mail address when you hover your cursor over it. I wrote to the administrators of qrz.com and was told its a html problem with one of my flag counters. My "world" flag counter code is as followed: alt="free counters" border="0" height="115" src="http://s08.flagcounter.com/count/jYd/bg=FFFFFF/txt=D92145/border=2F92CC/columns=6/maxflags=200/viewers=KD4QHG+World+Flag+Counter/labels=1/pageviews=1/" style="width: 569px; height: 131px" width="533" /></span></strong></span></p>
Also to note is that I use to be able to click on the World flag counter to bring me to the flag counter page, and now it doesnt do anything. Is there anything missing in my code that might keep me from viewing anouther image or from clicking on the counter to bring me to the Flag Counter page?....My e-mail address is kd4qhg@yahoo.com


October 1, 2011 4:02 pm  #2

Re: Now im having Problems

kd4qhg, pls can you provide where the fc map resides?
We need the page with the fc included to identify the html problem.

The views expressed in this statement are in no way intended to represent the views of boardhost.com. The views are my own as moderator of this forum. Since 31 Dec 2016 I'm retired and no longer Moderator of this forum.

October 1, 2011 8:38 pm  #3

Re: Now im having Problems

The website that I have my flag counter on is at: www.qrz.com and then you have to type in my call letters kd4qhg in the search bar and below my pictures you will see the World flag counter which is the 1st one. I am not having problems with my US states or Canadian flag counter. It just the World flag counter. And is my code a legitamate code and is there anything missing from the code? I did register this code a while back...thx...Mark (kd4qhg)

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October 2, 2011 11:40 am  #4

Re: Now im having Problems

That is simple. You arranged your pics one after the other. The browser width manages how many pictures are being displayed in one row. 
What you have to do is to make a line break after your pics. That would shift the closing </p> tag before the Flag counter code and will create an open <p>tag before the flag counter..
If you can edit the htlm of your profile you can also try to do following:
... src="http://files.qrz.com/g/kd4qhg/Field_day_2011_4.JPG" style="width: 196px; height: 195px" /></span></strong></span></p>
<img alt="free counters" border="0" height="115" src="http://s08.flagcounter.com/count/jYd/bg=FFFFFF/txt=D92145/border=2F92CC/columns=6/maxflags=200/viewers=KD4QHG+World+Flag+Counter/labels=1/pageviews=1/" style="width: 569px; height: 131px" width="533" /></div>
That would exclude the flag counter code completely from the pics.

Hope it helps. Send me an email if not.

The views expressed in this statement are in no way intended to represent the views of boardhost.com. The views are my own as moderator of this forum. Since 31 Dec 2016 I'm retired and no longer Moderator of this forum.

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