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Help and Support Forum » FlagCounter Image Unbalanced » July 24, 2020 11:41 am

Replies: 16

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blogannath wrote:

I understand the decision to remove the unknown flags from the country count as well as from the flag counter image because they are not really countries. But, I notice that the new image of the flagcounter on my website is a little out of whack because of the changes.

I used to have 133 flags on my image. I have arranged the flags into 4 columns, so this meant that there were 3 columns of 34 flags, and one column with 31 flags. The columns were always balanced like this, with the last column missing at most 3, 2, or 1 flags depending on the total number of flags on the image.

Now I have only 130 images on my flag (3 of the original must have been from unknown countries), but the 130 are not arranged as 3 columns of 33 and one column of 31 like it should be for a balanced view. Instead, I have 3 columns with 34 flags and one column with 28 flags. This makes the image look very unbalanced and weird.

I hope this is a temporary phase that will be corrected soon. I just wanted to bring this to Jeremy's attention so that he can quickly fix whatever was overlooked when the unknown flags were removed from existing images. Thank you in advance.

I have added my Flag Counter different sites, but they both  are the same thing now. What is wrong?

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