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May 13, 2012 10:18 pm  #1

Total Unique Visitors on the Counter Image

it would be nice to show the number of unique visitors the same way the pageviews on the counter image.

Countries: 250 Total Flags: 1974

May 14, 2012 12:25 am  #2

Re: Total Unique Visitors on the Counter Image



June 13, 2012 2:01 am  #3

Re: Total Unique Visitors on the Counter Image

Yes indeed - total unique visitors would be greatly appreciated!
John Wade Long, Jr. - Webmaster, The Pipe Club of London
I just installed Flag Counter on our website a few days ago and w're having a blast with it -- 24 countries already - and that's not counting Scotland & Wales which get lumped under the UK flag (which surely irks the Scots & Welsh!)!

John Wade Long, Jr.
Webmaster, The Pipe Club of London
"Unity - Liberty - Cameraderie"

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Flag Counter