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November 11, 2011 9:26 pm  #1

HELP needed please


I'm STEPH from France...
well, I've just bought the "flag counter pro id yDQn (S01)" via paypal, but when the paiement was done, it didn't come back to the FLAG COUNTER site to creat ethe account and then copy the URL for using the services...
when I clicked on the link to reach the site again, it was to create the account for free which even didn't work, it said that some characters of the URL were not compatible !!!

don't know what to think about that !!!???

please let me know what to do now if you can help


November 12, 2011 9:26 am  #2

Re: HELP needed please

Hi Steph,

When you activate Flag Counter pro, it unlocks it on your current counter.  There is no need to create a new one.  I see that the upgrade to the counter you posted was successful:  http://s01.flagcounter.com/more/yDQn/

You should have also received an email with this information.

Last edited by Jeremy (November 12, 2011 9:26 am)

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