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September 26, 2011 12:25 pm  #31

Re: An Invitation to Visit My Country.

thousan wrote:

Wahai! Kawan dari negara sama.
It it a pleasure to meet you here and I luv your site-lah!
Will be dropping in now and then to check it and read it more thoroughly when I've got the time.
And thanks for your kind words.

Same here. My site isnt really that great , it is still a work in progress. I wish to improve it further once I finish SPM in December. Thank you and youre most welcomed.

I write about countries and everything in between : http://a4rzero.wordpress.com/
Direct link to counter.
Need a Malaysian flag ? You can get it here.

September 26, 2011 12:57 pm  #32

Re: An Invitation to Visit My Country.

Aero wrote:

thousan wrote:

Same here. My site isnt really that great , it is still a work in progress. I wish to improve it further once I finish SPM in December. Thank you and youre most welcomed.

Jangan be so modest la. Wa, you only taking SPM. Wah wah I boleh jadi u punya bapa. Ha ha.

Pardon everyone else if you don't understand what we are talking. This is how Malaysian talk in broken English. :D

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September 26, 2011 1:30 pm  #33

Re: An Invitation to Visit My Country.

+1 Russia


September 26, 2011 5:49 pm  #34

Re: An Invitation to Visit My Country.

+1 Belgium and . . . Azerbaijan

Belgian greetings from my dogs in Heaven, my cats on Earth and I   
I always appreciate a visit back
my Flagcounter

September 27, 2011 1:23 am  #35

Re: An Invitation to Visit My Country.

Denis_469 wrote:

+1 Russia

Thanks Denis,
I've been in one of the Russian sub. It was in Germany.

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September 27, 2011 1:27 am  #36

Re: An Invitation to Visit My Country.

GoClooney wrote:

+1 Belgium and . . . Azerbaijan

Thanks again GoClooney and say hello to your dog too.
I see Malaysia is #58 among your flags

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September 27, 2011 5:43 am  #37

Re: An Invitation to Visit My Country.

Visited from Sweden

Fishy wishes from 1fish2fish
Please visit the site

September 27, 2011 5:44 am  #38

Re: An Invitation to Visit My Country.

thousan wrote:

Aero wrote:

thousan wrote:

Same here. My site isnt really that great , it is still a work in progress. I wish to improve it further once I finish SPM in December. Thank you and youre most welcomed.

Jangan be so modest la. Wa, you only taking SPM. Wah wah I boleh jadi u punya bapa. Ha ha.

Pardon everyone else if you don't understand what we are talking. This is how Malaysian talk in broken English. :D

Haha no lah, I insist . Since youre old enough to be my dad, I shall call you Uncle, if thats okay with you of course. P.S I checked out your site again. Wish I had more time to read all your writings...

I write about countries and everything in between : http://a4rzero.wordpress.com/
Direct link to counter.
Need a Malaysian flag ? You can get it here.

September 27, 2011 7:50 am  #39

Re: An Invitation to Visit My Country.

First Finnish flag.


September 27, 2011 11:17 am  #40

Re: An Invitation to Visit My Country.

Aero wrote:

thousan wrote:

Aero wrote:

Same here. My site isnt really that great , it is still a work in progress. I wish to improve it further once I finish SPM in December. Thank you and youre most welcomed.

Jangan be so modest la. Wa, you only taking SPM. Wah wah I boleh jadi u punya bapa. Ha ha.

Pardon everyone else if you don't understand what we are talking. This is how Malaysian talk in broken English. :D

Haha no lah, I insist . Since youre old enough to be my dad, I shall call you Uncle, if thats okay with you of course. P.S I checked out your site again. Wish I had more time to read all your writings...

Don't la uncle me unless you think me like  "The Man from U.N.C.L.E." but then you may be too young to know that series. They are young handsome spies, like me ha ha  Well, go there when you're free then and introduce your kawan, all the things one learn only when they live long enough. "Youth is wasted on the Young" churchill said. ha ha 

Do you have a thousand reasons...
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