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June 8, 2011 9:06 am  #1

Kosovo as new Country

Kosovo what is with this? i have on my network in the week several visitors of this new country, some also with the ip .ks and have a look here please: www.ptkonline.com also the most european countries and the US is with embassy in pristina. it is time for a new country 

249/249 Countries/Domains and 1851 Flags collected.
www.europa-irc.de - www.europa-irc.eu 

June 8, 2011 9:18 am  #2

Re: Kosovo as new Country

I agree.


251/251 countries and 3,860/3,860 flags collected.

June 8, 2011 3:59 pm  #3

Re: Kosovo as new Country

Mee to We want new countries.

Kosovo, Saba, Saint Eustatius, South sudan and others We want avilable countries


June 8, 2011 7:29 pm  #4

Re: Kosovo as new Country


Last edited by holland25h (June 8, 2011 7:29 pm)


251/251 countries and 3,860/3,860 flags collected.

June 8, 2011 8:48 pm  #5

Re: Kosovo as new Country

ME TOO KOSOSVO!!(i wanna new flag)

 █████████http://www.last.fm/user/markmaierody2 █████████ 

June 9, 2011 2:48 pm  #6

Re: Kosovo as new Country

keep cool - they will come when they get internationally accepted and added to the CIA-Factbook^^

251/251 countries
2.708/2.744 regions

June 10, 2011 9:56 am  #7

Re: Kosovo as new Country

you are from Estonia? you don`t know your own history before 1945 und before 1990? i know well this blog of wikipedia. communism died end of the 80. by the grace of god america won the cold war and with end of the USSR many countries, also estonia goes own ways. without the end of the cold war and the help of the EU and the US, estonia will be today a province of russia or the USSR. do not forget this ;) sometimes history is not so far. i am not pro serbia or pro kosovo. by the end of the war on the balkan serbia lost the kosovo. every war is with lost, this was 1918 so for austria-hungary or germany 1945. but this all was not the reason of my post.

kosovo is now with own telecom and own domain .ks we are talking here many about new "countries", better we must say domains. saint martin, the falkland islands or aruba are also no countries. or what is with PS? all this domains are in flagcounter like countries/domains. why not the kosovo now? in the capital of this country you find embassys from many countries of the world, incl. the EU and the USA. we do not need a cia-factbook for this. fact is there is a new domain .ks and we should use it. this is not a question pro serbia or pro kosovo, i write this again. it is a question of a domain. aruba is also part of the kingdom of the netherlands, but as country on flagcounter, because it is with own domain.

there are so many domains in the flagcounter-list "christmas islands" and so on which are impossible to get. kosovo can be very possible and some of us are with 234 or 235 countries. let give them the fun to earn a new country after a long time of waiting ;) thanks for understanding.

249/249 Countries/Domains and 1851 Flags collected.
www.europa-irc.de - www.europa-irc.eu 
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June 10, 2011 2:55 pm  #8

Re: Kosovo as new Country

I agree with Alexander


June 10, 2011 11:39 pm  #9

Re: Kosovo as new Country

first of all, nobody wrote something about killing you. keep cool ;) you do not agree with the title "kosovo as new country" ok. i wrote also, i am not pro serbia or pro kosovo, the solution must be between this two nations in freedom and peace. but in the case of PS? or you agreed with the title "falkland islands as new country" ? ;) you wrote if flagcounter agree with my point we will have a real carnival party. isn`t it?  here are many "new countries" and this are not countries. this is the point. for this reason i wrote in post my post also the word Domain. Kosovo is with .ks a new domain and if we are using PS, FK, SH, MF, UM, GG and so on., why not .ks? what can be the problem? i do not think that we have after this a carnival party. in some month we are coming to the case of sint maarten and cuacao which are "new countries" but member of the kingdom of the netherlands like aruba. i do not know if this new countries are with new domains at the moment. the most of the websites i saw, are using the old domains of the netherlands antilles. but if we see all this cases, i think that we can also use .ks kosovo "as new country" because the system book it "as new country" if it is a country or not a country this not the point of questions for us. we are talking in all the cases of domains about countries. 

249/249 Countries/Domains and 1851 Flags collected.
www.europa-irc.de - www.europa-irc.eu 
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June 16, 2011 9:10 am  #10

Re: Kosovo as new Country

waiting for any news, feedback about this from the chief of staff 

249/249 Countries/Domains and 1851 Flags collected.
www.europa-irc.de - www.europa-irc.eu 
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