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October 28, 2009 5:46 pm  #1

s02 + Flags

I currently have a s02 Flagcounter and I saw that there already is s04.
Does having a version different than the latest have any effect on the flag count?
For example: is s02 not able to count some obscure country in the Pacific, while s04 can?

You're always welcome to view my Last.FM profile: Knalpijp

October 28, 2009 5:50 pm  #2

Re: s02 + Flags

Nope, it doesn't 

edit: they're just different servers, server 1 (s01), s02,.. not better versions or smthng :D i think first four are full atm & new generated codes are those of server 5.
learn about the servers here.

Last edited by Notturno (October 29, 2009 2:59 pm)


October 28, 2009 7:06 pm  #3

Re: s02 + Flags

I thank you for the quick response and I understand now 

You're always welcome to view my Last.FM profile: Knalpijp
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