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November 13, 2016 1:35 pm  #11

Re: Requesting State Flags (and others)

Ony can help you with a flag of the United Kingdom


November 13, 2016 6:54 pm  #12

Re: Requesting State Flags (and others)

Visited from Spain


November 14, 2016 12:24 am  #13

Re: Requesting State Flags (and others)

​Visited from Greece 


November 14, 2016 1:31 am  #14

Re: Requesting State Flags (and others)

Visited from Brazil


November 14, 2016 11:19 am  #15

Re: Requesting State Flags (and others)

+1 from the United Kingdom


November 14, 2016 6:04 pm  #16

Re: Requesting State Flags (and others)

rembrandt wrote:

Hi everyone,
I need 4 state flags, Maine, N. Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming.
Of course I still need country flags from everywhere, keep them coming as  only have 70.
Thanks all.


Colombia. Better score now

hors service pour le moment 
außer Betrieb
Fuori servizio 
no working 

November 15, 2016 9:59 am  #17

Re: Requesting State Flags (and others)

visited from France 
my blog : http://detectionanjouloisir.centerblog.net/

détection anjou loisir 
detection métal of leisure

November 17, 2016 5:45 am  #18

Re: Requesting State Flags (and others)

you now have a flag from the UK please return the visit
                                                                          many thanks
                                                                                     from Jim

a visit from Grantham.England,please return the visit

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