- sojournersflight
- Flag Newbie
- Registered: April 20, 2010
- Posts: 9
Re: State and Country Flag Counts Do Not Match
Ok, my counters are now off by 8 flags
My Country flag counter which I upgraded shows 35 counts for the US and my US State Flag counter only shows 29.
Is anyone else having this problem??
I would really appreciate some help.
Last edited by sojournersflight (April 27, 2010 10:51 am)
- Jeremy
- Administrator
- From: United States
- Registered: August 30, 2009
- Posts: 2,774
Re: State and Country Flag Counts Do Not Match
First, there is a difference between how visitors are counted in the state and world Flag Counter. If we can't determine the exact state, a user is not assigned one. However, they are still a U.S. visitor, and will register a U.S. flag on your world Flag Counter.
Further, our servers are located in different geographic regions of the United States. Your state counter will load from Los Angeles while your world flag counter might load Atlanta, Chicago or Dallas. One might load faster than the other, and your user might not even load your entire page. A user might quickly press their 'back' button, or stop your page from loading.
A visitor could also delete their cookies for one counter and not the other.
These are just a few things that could be causing this to occur. There are just too many variables at play here for both counters to represent the same exact count.
You will notice we've added a US and Canada breakdown to the World Flag Counter offering. This essentially makes the State Flag Counter obsolete, and the World Flag Counter will be the only one receiving future upgrades and enhancements.
Flag Counter Developer
Boardhost.com, Inc.
- sojournersflight
- Flag Newbie
- Registered: April 20, 2010
- Posts: 9
Re: State and Country Flag Counts Do Not Match
Hi Jeremy,
Thanks for the information.
Probably the most important thing to note there is that I did notice the new addition of the US breakdown to the World Flag Counter. If you use mine as an example, you'll see the the World Flag counts 36 visitors from the US, whereas the breakdown from the World Flag only shows 10 visitors!
Since my trip will pass through 22 states, I really need to be able to see accurate information by state as well as Country.
- •Thread Starter
- blogannath
- Flag Collector
- Registered: November 21, 2009
- Posts: 353
Re: State and Country Flag Counts Do Not Match
That feature is never going to match up properly if your widget was created before that feature was introduced (I think early this week). The breakdown only counts visitors since that feature was introduced, it does not go back and classify all the visitors you had from the US since your flag counter was active. So, for instance, I have several thousand US visitors, but only a few hundred visitors in the breakdown. If you discard your old flagcounter and create a new one, then the top level and the detailed breakdown will probably match up.
- sojournersflight
- Flag Newbie
- Registered: April 20, 2010
- Posts: 9
Re: State and Country Flag Counts Do Not Match
Ok, that makes sense.
Any other ideas on how to show State Visitors on a website if the US State counter isn't going to be managed anymore?
Last edited by sojournersflight (April 28, 2010 2:49 pm)
- •Thread Starter
- zakur
- Flag Expert
- From: Argentina
- Registered: September 18, 2009
- Posts: 2,202
Re: State and Country Flag Counts Do Not Match
Another posible reason for the difference between 2 counters is loading time. Each visit is counted only when the FC image is loaded, so if a visitor comes and leaves after loading one image but before loading the other one, that will break the consistence...
To minimize this, you should put both counters as close to each other as posible. (Still, not completely avoids this problem)
Please visit:
If you need Argentina flag, just post here:
- blogannath
- Flag Collector
- Registered: November 21, 2009
- Posts: 353
Re: State and Country Flag Counts Do Not Match
sojournersflight wrote:
Ok, that makes sense.
Any other ideas on how to show State Visitors on a website if the US State counter isn't going to be managed anymore?
The state flag counters will not be enhanced, but they should work just fine the way they are until flagcounter decides to pull the plug on them. And I don't see anything in Jeremy's post that would suggest this is imminent. My state flag counter still counts up as it used to, and it still displays the flags on my website, just that I can't expect any enhancements in its functionality in the future.
- BobGorman
- Flag Newbie
- Registered: April 30, 2010
- Posts: 3
Re: State and Country Flag Counts Do Not Match
Melinda, sojournersflight
Thank you for your posts, they have helped me both with my site, and to discover an error on the FAQ page which was driving me nuts.(I'll post it separately once I find the right place in this forum...)
Never apologize for being a newbie, you asked new fresh questions that the old timers didn't.
Safe riding...
"We are all handicapped,
and we are all Gifted;
the only thing we have in common,
is that we are all unique."
- Bob Gorman
The Individual is statistically insignificant;
Statistics is individually insignificant!