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April 1, 2010 4:05 pm  #1

My flag counter just reset. what's wrong?

I use flag counter on my blog since March

it's work ok but today, April 1, it return to count 1
what's wrong?

help me, i dont want that again. I have accumulated lots of flags... but it's all gone now T_T

Last edited by lozarahim (April 1, 2010 4:10 pm)

http://blog.naver.com/lozarahim (ANBU A: Naruto fan Service Blog)

A daughter of Innoruuk, Indigo Brotherhoods, Dark Elf Warrior
Seranel N'Ryt

April 1, 2010 6:01 pm  #2

Re: My flag counter just reset. what's wrong?

Hi, which server are you using? I heard similar problems like this in s03.


April 1, 2010 6:12 pm  #3

Re: My flag counter just reset. what's wrong?

I visited your site, and it seems to be fine (107790 visitors from S. Korea, etc.)  Whatever it was, it seems to have been a temporary glitch.


April 2, 2010 1:00 am  #4

Re: My flag counter just reset. what's wrong?

Your flag counter is on server s06. It has been causing problems last days. You can read more here: http://flagcounter.boardhost.com/viewtopic.php?id=2018


April 2, 2010 1:01 am  #5

Re: My flag counter just reset. what's wrong?

By the way, your top country (S. Korea) has 98.2% of visits!
I've never seen something like that before...


April 2, 2010 2:35 am  #6

Re: My flag counter just reset. what's wrong?

Your Counter look fine "lozarahim".

I need a visit from Korea....


April 2, 2010 2:37 am  #7

Re: My flag counter just reset. what's wrong?

zakur wrote:

By the way, your top country (S. Korea) has 98.2% of visits!
I've never seen something like that before...

I have seen another one similar to this but it's just only 95%


April 2, 2010 2:39 am  #8

Re: My flag counter just reset. what's wrong?

Thank you!
my flag counter is ok now, but some flags' Last New Visitor is  'January 1, 1970' >_<
it's going to be fixed soon....

I read this >> http://flagcounter.boardhost.com/viewtopic.php?id=2018
There was some problem on server

Last edited by lozarahim (April 2, 2010 2:59 am)

http://blog.naver.com/lozarahim (ANBU A: Naruto fan Service Blog)

A daughter of Innoruuk, Indigo Brotherhoods, Dark Elf Warrior
Seranel N'Ryt
     Thread Starter

April 2, 2010 5:31 am  #9

Re: My flag counter just reset. what's wrong?

January 1, 1970 are made-up dates to restore flags which counter have crashed. If you don't want the January 1, 1970, you need to get visitors from those certain countries to make the last new visitor the current date.


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