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January 6, 2014 11:24 am  #1

Still need lots of Fags

Please help me get all the flags only have 169, still have lots to go


January 6, 2014 11:39 am  #2

Re: Still need lots of Fags

Only + 1 Russia 

Missíng Countries: Heard Island and McDonald Islands; Western Sahara   http://s11.flagcounter.com/count/55f1/bg_000000/txt_FFFFFF/border_000000/columns_8/maxflags_250/viewers_1/labels_1/pageviews_0/flags_1/
Peregrinatio est vita. Suum cuique… Si felix esse vis, este!

January 6, 2014 11:48 am  #3

Re: Still need lots of Fags

Just paid you a vist, thx
+1 South Africa

     Thread Starter

January 6, 2014 11:51 am  #5

Re: Still need lots of Fags

Germany +1

Please visit my Site: flagcounter.hpage.com 
World 250/250 - Regions 3115/3565 - Flags collected 3400
Missing Regions: https://s05.flagcounter.com/countries/s07eZyi/?missingregions

January 6, 2014 11:51 am  #6

Re: Still need lots of Fags

+ 1 Germany


January 6, 2014 1:56 pm  #7

Re: Still need lots of Fags

Ciao .......... +1 Italy ............ Angelo


January 6, 2014 1:58 pm  #8

Re: Still need lots of Fags

Another Polish flag for you.


January 6, 2014 2:48 pm  #9

Re: Still need lots of Fags

visited from Germany!
missing regions :
Eastern Cape
Free State
North West
Northern Cape

PLEASE VISIT MY WEBSITE:  http://www.dh0iav.de  Greetings from the Müritz, the largest inland lake in Germany !  OM Hans, (DH0IAV)
248 countries, .2213 flags collected

January 6, 2014 2:51 pm  #10

Re: Still need lots of Fags

+ Poland for you  

Please visit my site : https://cudmecyje.wordpress.com

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