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November 30, 2013 9:32 pm  #61

Re: I offer British Indian Ocean Territory for a limited time

Why not ? But I can offer you only your 507th from France


December 1, 2013 9:21 am  #62

Re: I offer British Indian Ocean Territory for a limited time

+ Australia


December 1, 2013 9:34 am  #63

Re: I offer British Indian Ocean Territory for a limited time

Ciao _______ +1 Italy __________ Angelo 


December 1, 2013 9:44 am  #64

Re: I offer British Indian Ocean Territory for a limited time

visited form Taiwan


December 1, 2013 4:43 pm  #65

Re: I offer British Indian Ocean Territory for a limited time

visit from Ukraine)


December 1, 2013 7:38 pm  #66

Re: I offer British Indian Ocean Territory for a limited time

Visited everyone up to this post, thx guys!

     Thread Starter

December 1, 2013 10:18 pm  #67

Re: I offer British Indian Ocean Territory for a limited time

Ciao ----------+1 Italy-------------Angelo 


December 2, 2013 3:56 am  #68

Re: I offer British Indian Ocean Territory for a limited time

Really? That would be awesome!

Simtropolis (where the flag counter is)

December 2, 2013 4:23 am  #69

Re: I offer British Indian Ocean Territory for a limited time

;+ 1 Russia 

Missíng Countries: Heard Island and McDonald Islands; Western Sahara   http://s11.flagcounter.com/count/55f1/bg_000000/txt_FFFFFF/border_000000/columns_8/maxflags_250/viewers_1/labels_1/pageviews_0/flags_1/
Peregrinatio est vita. Suum cuique… Si felix esse vis, este!

December 2, 2013 8:34 am  #70

Re: I offer British Indian Ocean Territory for a limited time

Yes please! +1 from Japan

All visit are welcome!!
Please visit  http://ameblo.jp/hair-care11/entry-11429232192.html
My FC    http://s03.flagcounter.com/more/Trs
Thank you !

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