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March 7, 2013 2:59 pm  #21

Re: Change Of Database Provider

That has nothing to do with Flagcounter or Jeremy.

On The 8th Day God Created A Megamix, & The Heavens Danced.


March 8, 2013 1:07 pm  #22

Re: Change Of Database Provider

Jeremy wrote:


The alternative would be for us to remove these unpopulated regions from our system entirely.  We will not be changing our database provider, and we believe the database we use and the service we offer is the best of its kind.  If you are unsatisfied with the service you are receiving, please contact me to discuss the possibility of a refund.

With all due respect for you, i must say, that i disagree, when you say: "the database we use and the service we offer is the best of its kind".
How can you make such a statement when the evidence is there? A hit from a Country should register as that Country and no Other, therefore there is a mistake from the part od the Database Provider. If you have been reported the fault and you alledgely just lay back with no comunication with your provider, you certainly are not offering the best service Jeremy.
When you propose that if I am not satisfied, to contact you with a view to obtain a refund, i take that as a lame excuse, by not trying to listen to your Pro Counter Users and just solving the issue by getting rid of that Member. Not the most appropriate decision though!!!

Jeremy, I DO NOT NEED a Refund. What I need is to get what i paid for, that is clear as water.

If I may suggest, knowing that you are not interested in my suggestion, but taking this opportutnity to express myself and trying to make you understand that i am right, here is the link to another provider, which does not do those mistakes, and if you care to click on the others links you will see that their Database even accounts for Countries, such as South Sudan and Sint Maarten, or dont you beleive in competition???

Here are the links:

1.- http://www.ip2location.com/
2.- http://www.ip2location.com/ (Showing South Sudan)
3.- http://www.ip2location.com/ (Showing Sint Maarten)

I have been keeping myself quite just to see if the errors would be rectified as Holland mentioned in his replies,, but up to today nothing happened, apart of more mistakes, regarding NR; AX; and CC.

Dont change the Provider, but, please be on top of the situation and offer a good service, by making sure that your Provider is aware of what is happening, and rectifies the errors a.s.a.p...

When someone says it is not your fault, nor Flagcounter's, i disagree, because if you sit by the fence and alledgedly do nothing about it, it is certainly your fault and your Business Name, because you are related to it!

I made my point! The ball is in your court now. And please do not reply with a one line vague answer.

Don Neves 

Last edited by doneves (March 8, 2013 1:14 pm)

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March 8, 2013 1:50 pm  #23

Re: Change Of Database Provider

I've just 7 ip's on that site....and they are ALL wrong......   

On The 8th Day God Created A Megamix, & The Heavens Danced.


March 8, 2013 3:31 pm  #24

Re: Change Of Database Provider

Exactly.These links don't work. They all think I am in America. Without using a proxy. @Don. It's sit ON the fence. Not by. Otherwise how would you get wood up your bottom ?


March 8, 2013 4:02 pm  #25

Re: Change Of Database Provider

Sorry Don, but that site is worse than MM.

Last edited by holland25 (March 8, 2013 5:12 pm)


251/251 countries and 3,860/3,860 flags collected.

March 8, 2013 5:08 pm  #26

Re: Change Of Database Provider


The IPs you list originate at the RACKSRV datacenter in the UK.

We do not discuss proxies or VPN services at this forum or offer any support for them. 

The purpose of our service is to identify where your visitors are coming from.  It does not seem that your visitors are actually coming from the countries you claim are being counted incorrectly.

If you have a legitimate visitor residing in a country that was counted as something different, we would be happy to investigate.

Flag Counter Developer
Boardhost.com, Inc.

March 18, 2013 3:23 am  #27

Re: Change Of Database Provider

holland25 wrote:

Don, the 3 countries you mentioned will come back to normal in a week.

G´day Matthew

How you doing mate? So far you haven't been able to prove me wrong. Two weeks at least have past already, and the same situation still prevails!

However, I must say that, in one occasion, after my initial post, I had a visit from AX - Aland Island, and and it registered right, but when visited from a VPN, it still registers as Ca, up to date.

I wonder if the situation has to do with Flagcounter alone and no one else!!!!!!!!


My counter: http://www.last.fm/group/Aussie+FlagCounter
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March 18, 2013 8:04 pm  #28

Re: Change Of Database Provider

Ignorance is not an excuse for stupidity.

On The 8th Day God Created A Megamix, & The Heavens Danced.


March 18, 2013 10:42 pm  #29

Re: Change Of Database Provider

Paul Prince wrote:

Ignorance is not an excuse for stupidity.

In this instance, it may apply


March 20, 2013 4:45 am  #30

Re: Change Of Database Provider

Paul Prince wrote:

Ignorance is not an excuse for stupidity.

I told uy once and i tell u again. Place your nose in your matters and leave the others alone you stupid POM.

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