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January 15, 2013 12:05 am  #1

its my birthday today. Donations? no gold, no silver, just flags!

My missing 18 countries:
American Samoa
British Indian Ocean Territory
Cook Island
French Polynesia
North Korea
Sao Tome and Principe
Sint Maarten
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Virgin Islands
Western Sahara
........and 766 missing regions....
Of course all countries and regions are invited to visit my sites !

PLEASE VISIT MY WEBSITE:  http://www.dh0iav.de  Greetings from the Müritz, the largest inland lake in Germany !  OM Hans, (DH0IAV)
248 countries, .2213 flags collected

January 15, 2013 12:33 am  #2

Re: its my birthday today. Donations? no gold, no silver, just flags!

All the best to you! Have a great birthday!
Left a Polish flag at your site


January 15, 2013 1:38 am  #3

Re: its my birthday today. Donations? no gold, no silver, just flags!

happy birthday, flags for you

Statistic of Total Flags from http://www.smartphoneus.com + http://www.car2future.info/
Go check it dot

January 15, 2013 2:20 am  #4

Re: its my birthday today. Donations? no gold, no silver, just flags!

Happy birthday!!!...

Missíng Countries: Heard Island and McDonald Islands; Western Sahara   http://s11.flagcounter.com/count/55f1/bg_000000/txt_FFFFFF/border_000000/columns_8/maxflags_250/viewers_1/labels_1/pageviews_0/flags_1/
Peregrinatio est vita. Suum cuique… Si felix esse vis, este!

January 15, 2013 5:04 am  #5

Re: its my birthday today. Donations? no gold, no silver, just flags!

Happy Birtdhay from Pakistan


January 15, 2013 5:49 am  #6

Re: its my birthday today. Donations? no gold, no silver, just flags!

Moin Hans,

The views expressed in this statement are in no way intended to represent the views of boardhost.com. The views are my own as moderator of this forum. Since 31 Dec 2016 I'm retired and no longer Moderator of this forum.

January 15, 2013 7:09 am  #7

Re: its my birthday today. Donations? no gold, no silver, just flags!

Happy birthday !!!!
Only +1 Spain


January 15, 2013 8:35 am  #8

Re: its my birthday today. Donations? no gold, no silver, just flags!

+1 Bulgaria


January 15, 2013 12:14 pm  #9

Re: its my birthday today. Donations? no gold, no silver, just flags!

+ 1 from Poland.


January 15, 2013 12:27 pm  #10

Re: its my birthday today. Donations? no gold, no silver, just flags!

All the best!! And one flag from Poland for you

Greetings from http://www.przemekk.pl   
Thank you for visiting me!

Board footera


Flag Counter