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September 25, 2012 5:16 pm  #11

Re: Why are WY, ND, NM and VT so tough to get?

savagetom wrote:

Wow, Paul! Those are really big numbers. How long have you been on flagcounter?

Sure, the on-line populations in those states are low but they have got to be higher than New Caledonia or Namibia. I guess it is just chance to some degree.

over a year....but i don't have as many as some!!!!!!...i was purely saying there are plenty available!!!  lol

On The 8th Day God Created A Megamix, & The Heavens Danced.


September 25, 2012 6:53 pm  #12

Re: Why are WY, ND, NM and VT so tough to get?

I have some Wyoming flags... It was possible, because some my Blogger visitors were from this state. +1 Poland to You.


September 26, 2012 2:21 pm  #13

Re: Why are WY, ND, NM and VT so tough to get?

sandiegoscene wrote:

+1 California.

You have some great photos. Vermont is hard, I only have 16 yet over 16,000 from California

The 1000 to 1 ratio of California to Vermont is interesting. I suppose the ratios vary from site to site depending on the subject but on the other hand there probably is some general ratio based on the population, etc. If that is a general ratio then I'll be waiting awhile!

Thanks for the kind comment on the photos. I enjoy the hobby. I'm currently living in Beijing although my Flag Counter visits are currently showing as Colorado because of the VPN I use to get through the Great Fire Wall of China. Lots of interesting photo opportunities here - at least to my western eye.

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