- savagetom
- Flag Collector
- From: Indiana, USA
- Registered: April 13, 2012
- Posts: 10
Why are WY, ND, NM and VT so tough to get?
These are the 4 missing flags for the USA set. I'm surprised that I haven't received visitors from these states while receiving visitors from all over the world. I have not been soliciting visits on this forum since the first day so most of my flags are just from the randomness of visitors to my blog over the last 4 or 5 months. I've got visitors from Namibia, Tanzania, Bahrain, Palestinian Territory, Slovakia and New Caledonia but not the 4 states in the title. Any insight on why not?
Last edited by savagetom (September 23, 2012 10:01 am)
- savagetom
- Flag Collector
- From: Indiana, USA
- Registered: April 13, 2012
- Posts: 10
Re: Why are WY, ND, NM and VT so tough to get?
Anybody from Wyoming, North Dakota, New Mexico or Vermont out there?
- •

- mis
- Flag Enthusiast
- From: UK
- Registered: December 4, 2011
- Posts: 671
Re: Why are WY, ND, NM and VT so tough to get?
They are out there - Malice In Sunderland has recorded hits from Vermont (2), North Dakota and New Mexico (1 each). Wyoming remains elusive.
I'm guessing, but dont these states have low populations, and perhaps not so cosmopolitan ?
- masterninja50
- Flag Collector
- From: Ontario, Canada
- Registered: September 19, 2012
- Posts: 300
Re: Why are WY, ND, NM and VT so tough to get?
+1 Canada
- Paul Prince
- Flag Master
- From: Canary Islands
- Registered: August 9, 2011
- Posts: 4,492
Re: Why are WY, ND, NM and VT so tough to get?
well i have
454 Wyoming
495 Vermont
566 North Dakota
1219 New Mexico.......so they should be pretty easy to get
On The 8th Day God Created A Megamix, & The Heavens Danced.
- mis
- Flag Enthusiast
- From: UK
- Registered: December 4, 2011
- Posts: 671
Re: Why are WY, ND, NM and VT so tough to get?
Paul Prince wrote:
well i have
454 Wyoming
495 Vermont
566 North Dakota
1219 New Mexico.......so they should be pretty easy to get
So that's where they've gone. You've cornered the market.
- savagetom
- Flag Collector
- From: Indiana, USA
- Registered: April 13, 2012
- Posts: 10
Re: Why are WY, ND, NM and VT so tough to get?
Wow, Paul! Those are really big numbers. How long have you been on flagcounter?
Sure, the on-line populations in those states are low but they have got to be higher than New Caledonia or Namibia. I guess it is just chance to some degree.
- •

- Jd_Jd_Jd
- Flag Expert
- From: Zedelgem, Belgium
- Registered: March 31, 2010
- Posts: 2,100
Re: Why are WY, ND, NM and VT so tough to get?
When looking at my own counters New Mexico should be pretty easy. The other three are indeed some of the hardest US state flags to get.
- Mark K
- Flag Fanatic
- From: Sunny San Diego
- Registered: March 2, 2010
- Posts: 1,779
Re: Why are WY, ND, NM and VT so tough to get?
+1 California.
You have some great photos. Vermont is hard, I only have 16 yet over 16,000 from California
- belexes
- Flag Fanatic
- From: Littleton, CO USA
- Registered: September 10, 2010
- Posts: 1,206
Re: Why are WY, ND, NM and VT so tough to get?
1+ Colorado. Thanks.
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